Learn and improve from the greatest graphic designers

Unveiling the brushstrokes of artistic genius, the realm of graphic design holds an exquisite amalgamation of creativity, vision, and innovation. From the masterpieces meticulously crafted by seasoned virtuosos to the groundbreaking works of new-age prodigies, the narrative woven by these mighty talents stretches beyond the realm of imagination. Their creations have forever altered the visual landscapes, inspiring awe, and sparking […]

How to present logo design

Are you struggling with presenting your logo designs effectively? Fear not! In this article, we will delve into creative ways to showcase your logo designs that will captivate your clients and leave a lasting impression. Let’s dive in and unlock the secrets to a successful logo presentation!

5 tips for refining, perfecting & finessing a logo

When it comes to creating a successful logo, the journey doesn’t end with the first draft. Refining, perfecting, and finessing are essential steps in bringing your logo to the next level. In this article, we will explore five innovative tips to help you elevate your logo design game and ensure it leaves a lasting impression. Whether you’re a seasoned designer or a beginner, these tips will guide you towards creating a logo that truly stands out. So buckle up and get ready to transform your logo into a work of art!

Logos designed by women

In the vast and intricate world of graphic design, logos play a pivotal role in visually capturing the essence of a brand. From iconic symbols to captivating typography, a well-crafted logo has the power to communicate a brand’s identity with just a single glance. While the field of logo design has long been dominated by men, it is time to […]

Books that unravel the story behind famous logos

Unlocking the secrets behind renowned logos is like deciphering a hidden language encoded in visual brilliance. We encounter them daily – those sleek, mesmerizing icons that effortlessly etch themselves into our minds. We salute their mesmerizing simplicity, their subtle conveyance of ideas and emotions. But has it ever crossed your imaginative wanderings, the truths concealed within those flawless symbols? Brace […]

A Guide to Generating Logo Design Ideas

Welcome to the world of logo design, where creativity knows no bounds! Whether you’re an aspiring graphic designer or a business owner looking to revamp your brand, generating logo design ideas can be both exhilarating and challenging. You want your logo to be a visual representation of your brand’s identity, capturing its essence in a single image. But fear not! […]

How much should I charge for a logo?

Creating a logo is like sculpting art from thin air, capturing the essence of a brand in a single image. But determining the price can be as puzzling as the Mona Lisa’s smile. Factors like experience, complexity, and industry standards influence the numbers. So, how much to charge? Let’s uncover this enigma together.

The 6 biggest mistakes logo designers make

Logo design is more than just creating an eye-catching symbol. It’s about capturing the essence of a brand. However, designers often fall victim to common mistakes that can hinder the effectiveness of their work. From using cliché symbols to overcomplicating the design, these blunders can lead to a lackluster logo that fails to resonate with the audience. In this article, we delve into the six biggest mistakes logo designers make and provide tips on how to avoid them. So, if you want to create a lasting impression with your logo, keep reading!